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Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

"Great Fake Butt-Chin Leader"

Ha! Gottem lol

wwlaos • 2 years ago

"Dear diary, today someone was mean to me..."

Kirito • 2 years ago

They were unconscious then wakes up from a prison then escape time. sanzo fighting those demons all alone then wins without us knowing what happened then shows up at the crowd of people saying stuff then leaves

Passerby • 2 years ago

Always got me lol.

In my language, they even double-downed on the joke when the manga was translated : the guy is supposed to be a Taoist master (a Chinese Practice), so Gojyo just calls him :

"The Great Chin-Arsed Taoist Master~"

Nowadays, that sounds racist, though, but the words choice's cleverness still is good.

wwlaos • 2 years ago

"Hey, you girls are 20?" Gojyo asking the important questions. :P

Whoever • 2 years ago

(wind blows in the empty comment section)

Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

(wind blows as I approach the empty comment section with my comment in hand) lol

Ashito-kun • 2 years ago

(wind blows as I approach someone with his comment in hand, in empty comment section)

Aayush Tamang • 2 years ago

(wind blows cuz it is wat it is)

GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

me: flies a kite

wwlaos • 2 years ago

You're just too fast. :P

Priyanshu Singh • 2 years ago

IDK why but voice of many characters is heavy like very soothing to hear!!

Kira Hiro • 2 years ago

rigghhttt?! i love this kind of va

Mart1231 • 2 years ago

=( no comments and this episode was so good

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 2 years ago

One man arrrmyyy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

James Murphy • 2 years ago

Might be my fave anime of the season so far >.>

Nika Takatori • 2 years ago

Hope you've seen the other seasons.
They about to get into Goku's true nature, besides the first season none have so fast gotten to that part. GAIDEN is also one of the best seasons of their past lives(except Goku was the same just younger).
I'm excited for unleashed Goku if it happens.

James Murphy • 2 years ago

I watched the other reload season a while back. Gawd, didn't even know there were seasons before that one til last week T.T Defo planning on taking a look though :)
Might help me figure out more of their back story too. Reload seemed like it was missing tons :O Are the other seasons about their other re-incarnations?

RokuSora • 2 years ago

If you want to check the backstory, check Reload Blast from 4 to 5, then Gaiden from 1 to 3 OVA(1 might feel like a recap, but the rest of the story will go on in much detail since it was very rushed in reload blast), then there is Burial OVA which is like a direct continuation from Gaiden from 1 to 3 - first Burial OVA covers Sanzo's backstory and it also explains brief flashback he had in this episode when he said "this is not like the last time". Second Burial OVA shows how Sanzo met Goku and is honestly one of my favorites since it shows just how much Goku cares about Sanzo. Third OVA shows little bit of Hakkai's and Gojyo's backstory and how they met which leads to them meeting Sanzo and Goku (tho for complete Hakkai's and Gojyo's backstory you will have to check the first series and unfortunately I don't rememeber which episodes cover it). Happy Saiyuuki lore journey :D

James Murphy • 2 years ago

Arigatou! I already started season one and that Gaiden ova threw me a bit. I'll check out ep 2 and three to see if they work better for me.

Also, Sanzo season one is totally anorexic :P

RokuSora • 2 years ago

The problem with Gaiden is that they simply recap a lot of story in first five minutes, but the rest is alright - Reload Blast from 4 to 5 covers those five minutes in far bigger detail so maybe check those two episodes and then Gaiden - it's kinda funny that Reload Blast did the same thing with episode 6 which covers basically entire Gaiden - they seriously need to remake Gaiden with all those details in like one movie or something cuz both rush past major events. Yea first series can be weird in terms of animation, but I absolutely adore the soundtrack and some arcs. If you want to have a good laugh, check it out in English dub, tons of dialogue is like voice actors were making up their own lines along the way and they curse like every five minutes, it's hilarious (also if you're familiar with Ghost Stories english dub, Goku has the same voice actor as Leo).

Jerome W Bison • 2 years ago

11:14 Someone trying to not catch a case, Lol!!!
11:52 Well, that explains why it didn't have a effect on them, wasn't any!!! Good twist.
18:02 Seriously!?!! Lol!!!

Always great to hear Houchu Ohtsuka as Ni Jianyi. Interesting set of developments as this episode ends.

Passerby • 2 years ago

This episode was great, but - oh ! - so rushed.
Because of that, It feels like all the emotional depth of it was sucked away. :(

I kinda feel glad that I read the manga so much, as a teen, because the emotional response I had while reading those events is somehow coming back to me. But I feel sorry for anime-only watchers, who don't have time to ponder on the greatness of this story and the lessons it delivers :

- never take people for fools

- everyone has something that stir them up deeply, and will make them steel themselves ready to do anything to protect it. And they won't always wear it on their sleeves.
- for some, it's peace, family, a quiet lifestyle.
For others, it's power, status and reputation.
For others, it's food and material good, anarchy.
For some, it's their moral compass, their freedom of choice, and their own lives.

- how far will people go to protect that, what will they do, how will they change, how will they twist their values, or turn a blind eyes to contradictions...
All those may be debated and/or criticised, but the choice is ultimately theirs.

- measuring these "dreams" against each other, and their "raison d'être"... trying to gauge which is better, more appropriate, more desirable, good, bad or whatever... you can do it.
But what's the point ?

- Does it give you comfort? Security ?
Does it give you value ? Self-esteem? Peace of mind ? Heart rest ?
Does it give you pride, or strength, or satisfaction?
Does it give you power? Material pros ? Money ? Freedom?
To each their own.

(I'm not even checking back my books, really... and yet, so many things come back when I watch this anime. So many great words. So excuse me but, as an end note, I'll gratefully quote greatness again this week.)

_ That's impossible...
Alone in front of so many dangers...
You ought to be dead.

(Thinking) Maybe. Maybe the old me would have kicked the bucket. But...
_ Yeah. I'm definitely not the same person anymore.

_ No one can be that strong !

_ Yet, that's the path we choose for ourselves.
You bet I'm gonna walk it out proudly.

Even if I die trying so.

- Sanzo & Co.


PS : Frig.g.in Ukoku stirring s.h.y.t.e in the aftercredits again !!!

P.S2 : That last shot of Sanzo... bang of the gun resounding with thunder was too short, but SO WELL EXECUTED . LOVED IT. <3

Nomadic FIzzle • 2 years ago

I really am enjoying this series. Seems like not a lot of other people are though. Or at least them aren't talking about it. I haven't seen any of the previous incarnations. Going to have to check them out!

Helia • 2 years ago

Sanzo needs a cigar...

bari • 2 years ago

the ending song aaaaaaaa

Glinda • 2 years ago

Good episode...

Guest • 2 years ago
Kirito • 2 years ago

I knew it it's different this time

Kira Hiro • 2 years ago

what is seiten taisei? can u plez explain

RokuSora • 2 years ago

Seitei Taisen is Goku's alter ego of sort, a powerful demonic being that is completely feral, completely opposite of sweet and cheerful Goku. It looks similar to Goku except he has demonic longer ears, blank expression and clawed hands that can easily slice someone's head off. The thing he has on his forehead is a power limiter that keeps Seiten Taisei sealed but should it break, it will take over Goku. Episodes when Seiten Taisei takes over are the saddest ones since only Sanzo can stop him and it usually result in Goku hurting him and then Goku crying and feeling guilty about it. From the looks of it, we are getting an episode like this in the future if the priest guy will try to break Goku's power limiter. I do rememember that there was another guy, Homura I think, who was obsessed with Seiten Taisei and kidnapped and tortured Goku in order to draw him out of Goku.

If you're unfamiliar with Saiyuuki, I do recommand checking out Saiyuuki Reload Blast since it does show the backstory of Goku (episodes 4 to 6 are backstory, tho 6th one is really rushed in my opinion so better if you check Saiyuuki Reload Blast episodes 4 and 5 and then switch to Saiyuuki Gaiden OVAs from 1 to 3 since it has more story and impact is therefore more emotional). Saiyuuki Burial OVA 1 also shows what happened to Sanzo when he said "this is not like the last time" in this episode and OVA 2 shows how Sanzo met Goku while OVA 3 shows how Hakkai and Gojyo met that leads to them meeting Sanzo and Goku. Getting into Saiyuuki series might be a bit tiresome since there is so many series, but the story and characters are very well written.

Kira Hiro • 2 years ago

Thanks dude
U just save a life